Way To Reach Atman

koshas new marge newThe human body is made up with Tarya Sharira- Gross Body (Sthula Sharira), Subtle Body or Astral Body (sukshma Sharira) and Causal Body (Karana Sharira). According to the Taittiriya Upanishad, there are five layers which are either called Koshas\Sheaths.  Five Koshas are Annamaya Kosha (the sheath that which consists of food), Pranamaya Kosha(the sheath that consists of energy), Manomaya Kosha (the sheath that consists of the mind), Vigyanamaya kosha(the sheath that which consists of knowledge), Anandamaya Kosha (the sheath that consists of Bliss). Koshas reside in Tarya Sharira. Atman will be covered by koshas.

Gross Body (Sthula Sharira)

The gross body includes the physical organs of perception. It contains Panchabhutas which are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky. These five elements are dissolved during death, the physical body languishes. In the human body, everything is made up of energy. At a certain frequency, Koshas vibrates through chains, molecules, and atoms. So every Kosha vibrates at the different speed and they communicate with each other. Its contains Annamaya Kosha.

Annamaya Kosha(food sheath)

Annamaya Kosha is also called as Physical Layer. Annamaya Kosha includes all of your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. This is the densest Kosha. In the body, every cell is nourished by food. We are very familiar with Annamaya Kosha which is generally a technique to expand Kosha purification, cleansing, perfection, stability through fasting and Yogasanas. Annamaya Kosha needs energy for working which it gets from the Pranamaya Kosha.

Subtle Body (Sukshma Sharira)

It is also called as the Astral body (Linga Sharira). The subtle body is a combination of Mind, Intellect, and Ego. It controls all physiological functions and power of the organs perception, action, mind, and intellect. This body is gained by Karmas in the past and an instrument to experience pleasure and pain.

The subtle body is the mixture of seventeen components

  • Ten Indriyas.
    • Five are the karmendriyas.
      • Payu, Upastha, Pada, Pani, Vak (which are doing elimination, procreation, motion, grasping and speaking)
    • Five are the gyanendriyas
      • ghrāna – nose, rasanā – tongue, cakṣu – eye, tvak – skin, śrotra – ear (which are doing smelling, tasting, seeing, touching, and hearing).
  • Pancha pranas
    • Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana, Udana are the five Pancha Pranaya
  • Manas(mind) and Buddhi(intellect) are the remaining two components.

Ten indriyas do their duties with help of panchabhutas, this process is called Panchikarana, jnanendriyas (gandha- earth, rasa -water,rupa-fire,sparsa-air,sabda-space). The same karmendriyas also work with panchabhutas. Its contains Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, and Vigyanamaya kosha.

Pranamaya Kosha (energy sheath)

Prana means energy. It is a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual energies. Through this Kosha Parna moves over the body. Pranas are ten types, of that five Major pranas are Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, and Vyana and remaining pranas are Naga, Kurma, Krikara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya. When an embryo is developed in the mother’s womb, these ten pranas will enter to the mother womb only in the third month of the pregnancy.

After the third month, the independent or individual Pranas manifest in the fetus. These Pranas control various functions within the physical body. Prana travels to Pranamaya Kosha and different kosha through the Nadis. There are approximately 72,000 Nadis in the human body. In 72,000 Nadis  Sushumna, Ida and Pingala are the important Nadis, which are located in Pranamaya Kosha. The chakras of the subtle body are also associated with this kosha. When you may lack prana energy you may become ill, it will affect on the physical body as well as the impact on the mind also. When we take irregular breath or shallow that will also affect on body and mind. So Prana is closely related to the breath. Smooth breathing will make our mind and body functioning perfectly. The practice of pranayamas like diaphragmatic breathing, complete yogic breath, and alternate nostril breathing will help to keep this energy to flow freely and it extends the Prana, it will also affect the health of the physical body. Source of Prana are food, Water, Sun, Earth, Sleep and Meditative mind. However, major Prana will form into the body via breath. This Parna will create an aura around the body. This kosha contains five Major Pranas which are Prana Vayu, Apana Vayu, Udana Vayu, Samana Vayu, and Yana Vayu.

Prana Vayu:

The five Vayus are involved in assimilation, distribution and managing this energy for body functioning. This Vayu functions between the throat and the diaphragm. All organs of the thorax including heart and lungs are maintained by this Vayu. The basic function of Prana Vayu is respiration and pumping of the heart. Prana Vayu imbalance can lead to asthma, sleep apnea, depression, difficult to concentrate, feeling low, heart and lung-related ailments. Balanced Prana Vayu will give mental stability and a healthy body. It is associated with the elements of air and Anahata chakra.

Apana Vayu :

Apana Vayu is a down and outward energy. This is responsible for excretory, reproductive systems and governs the large intestine, kidneys, anus, and genitals. Apana basic function eliminates wastes like urination, ejaculation of sperm, menstruation, defecation, and childbirth. Imbalances in Apana flow can show up as constipation/diarrhea, menstrual problems, sexual issues, piles, feels lazy, dull, confused and indecisive. Kapalbhati Pranayama is good for balancing Apana Vayu. It is associated with the element of earth and Mooladhara chakra.

Samana Vayu :

It is responsible for digestion in the body system and it controls the liver, small intestine, stomach, pancreas, and their secretions. This is the force that separates nutrients from toxins and distributes the energy of nutrition throughout the body. Imbalances of Samana Vayu may face metabolism issues, poor digestion, bloating, loss of appetite, constipation and gastric disorders. To balance Samana Vayu one should practice Agnisara Kriya and Nauli. With the practice of these two will help solve digestive problems and diabetes. It is associated with the element of fire and Manipura chakra.

Udana Vayu:

Udana Vayu controls the area above the neck and is responsible for all the sense organs and functioning of the brain.  Udana passes through the larynx and it produces effort, enthusiasm speech—communication, laughter, crying. At the time of death, Udana energy comes out of the body.  Imbalances of Udana Vayu may cause asthma, stuttering, voice hoarseness, depression, poor memory, speech is disjointed and poor creativity. The practice of Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama we can balance Udana Prana. It is associated with the element of ether and Vishuddha chakra.

Vyana Vayu:

Vyana Vayu spread through the whole body controls all the movements and coordinates with other Prana Vayus. It’s a reserve force for the other Pranas. The flow of Vyana-Vayu moves from the center of the body to the periphery. Vyana and Samana Vayus are opposite as forces of expansion and contraction. In the body, Vyana moves from 72000+ Nadis through the entire body. Vyana Vayu that carries the nutrients to every cell of the body. Imbalance Vyana Vayu leads to lack of coordination and the mind is erratic. Alternate nostril breathing is a technique to balance the Vyana Vayu. It is associated with the element of water and Svadisthana chakra.

The five upa pranas are

Naga– Control burping, hiccups

Kurma – Control blinking and size of the iris

Devadatta – Control yawning, sleep

Krikala – Control sneezing and cough

Dhananjaya – Opening and closing of heart valves. Inflates the body after death.

Manomaya Kosha (Mental energy sheath)

The Manomaya Kosha is also called as mind-sheath. It is the level of processing thoughts, emotions, feelings, expressions, behavior and relationships which are all aspects of Manomaya Kosha. The thoughts and emotions which we experience will affect the energy flow inside and around the body, which affects our Pranamaya Kosha and Annamaya Kosha. When thoughts are beneficial, the mind will be content and at peace. Mantra can transform the mind to a higher level of perception and awareness. Consciousness is an act of being connected to the outer world through our five senses. Our bond and liberation are all related to the mind. In order to shift from this dimension, practices such as Pranayama and Pratyahara (mental withdrawing of the senses,) are very efficient. Mind functions on three levels- Conscious- mind connects the outer world to the brain, Subconscious- mind stores of all the experiences, Unconscious mind-the ‘Real Self’ or ‘Atman’

Vigyanamaya kosha(knowledge sheath)

The Vigyanamaya Kosha is also called as wisdom body. Vijnana means the power of judgment or enlightenment. It includes conscience, morals,  standards,  values,  principles, ethics, intuition, wisdom and sense of right & wrong, these all are the functions which operates by the higher mind. The higher mind is also called as an intellect or buddhi. The wisdom body is also responsible for inner growth and the acquisition of knowledge. Through accessing the wisdom body, we become an expert in writing, painting, maths, or even problem-solving. This Kosha will remove the blockages in the three Koshas. It releases blockages in our physical body, energy body and heals the mental body from the fear.   This Sheath is a bridge to Moksha or freedom from the mind and ego. In the final stages of meditation, the mind becomes numb and the intellect becomes stable, this is called Samadhi. The Wisdom body can affect by the Anandamaya Kosha. Koshas act in a hierarchical fashion, each one will influence next one. Whatever is held in the Anandamaya Kosha will reflect on all other Koshas.

Causal body (Karana Sharira)

Causal body resides under the subtle body. It is also called as Karana sharira because it is the germ or seed of the gross and the subtle body. When we enter into the mother’s womb as the subtle body, then we form as the gross body. In every life gross body changes but many times, it won’t change subtle body & Causal body. In our past life, Samskaras and perceptions are saved in the causal body. It carries the data and knowledge acquired during the previous births. It contains Anandamaya Kosha.

Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss body)

Anandamaya Kosha is the most inner part of the Koshas. Ananda means bliss and this Kosha contains the peace, joy, love, ecstasy, Free from our thoughts, and unchanging happiness. The Anandamaya Kosha cannot be the Atman, in this kosha, it resides in the pure consciousness that is called Atman. The Anandamaya sheath is a mirror image of the soul. The ultimate goal of human life is to move from the Annamaya Kosha to the Anandamaya Kosha.

Atman  (true self)

Atman means ‘eternal self ‘. It is described as unborn, constant, omnipresent, and immovable. The word atman means in some contexts the ego, which shows another truth: that the ego doesn’t have a separate existence from the Self. It is just a reflection of the Self in the mind-mirror. In the human body, Atman is deluded by Maya. Atman is individual self, Paramatman is universal self. Atman and Paramatman are not separate from each other they both are same. The body is the house of Atman until the body dies. Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (covetousness), Moha (delusion), Mada (pride), Matsarya (jealousy) is the six passions of the mind. They act as a covering between Atman and Paramatman. Atman has two states of existence, liberated and bound.  The Atman has to overcome those six passions of the mind to become one of the Paramatman, This process is called Moksha. Whenever we all free from all our desires then only we away from rebirth and ultimately we reach our goal i.e. Moksha.

Note: Practice of yoga every day will help to interconnect all the Koshas. Through Asanas it will interconnect to Annamaya Kosha, through Pranayama it will interconnect to Pranamaya kosha, through meditation it will interconnect to Manomaya kosha, through knowledge it will interconnect to Vigyanamaya kosha, and through Samadhi it will interconnect to Anandamaya kosha & reach the spirit.

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